Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Legaso Legacy: Chapter 1: Suckage of Epic Proportions

After years and years (about a decade now, to tell the truth 0-o) of playing the Sims, I've finally gotten off my lazy ass found the perfect target inspiration to post a Legacy onto the internet...

Our little victim...I mean, founder, is Miss Adrianne Legaso, seen here in a police photo after the recent murders of Mr and Mrs Gaingsly   CAS (Create-A-Sim for you n00bs out there.

Looks like a nice enough Sim, right?

She's possibly the creepist, most messed up Sim I've ever had...and I didn't even download her off of TSR! -is shot-

Her traits are fairly normal:
Good Kisser
Good Sense of Humour

But...well, you should see for yourself.

Being a complete idiot Legacy genius, I selected her traits and then rolled for her Lifetime Wish.
I got Home Design Hotshot...of course. The hardest wish in the game and I get it. Bollocks.

And, to add insult to injury, she's thinking about it the second I play the lot...

And she's grinning like a serial killer about it.


She stood around like this for a few in game hours while I waited like an idiot for her to do something.

Not only is she a freakish, Home and Garden magazine editor wannabe with homicidal tendencies, she's also a moron.

Like master, like Sim, eh?

I send her off on her merry way to apply for a job at City Hall and...SHE WALKS THE WHOLE WAY.

Wow, just wow.

 This stupid little "glitch" keeps me from canceling out the "Go Here..." command and it forces her to walk there.

Or, it could be because she's just the stupidest Sim on the planet. That too.

When she finally arrives at the park outside of City Hall, I notice something: no creepy smiles during transit. This might actually work out for me.

Unfortunately, she simply has to ruin that moment for me by zeroing in on a nice couple chatting innocently on the other side of the hedge. Poor things don't have any clue what they're in for.

Rushing at them like a wilderbeast on crack, Adrianne immediately starts to complain about not having a pool, the little snot.

You don't even have a toilet and you're whining about a f***in' pool?!

-insert incoherent rant here-


She can run!

I just got you the job of your dreams...and you give me this sad puppy dog look?

Adrianne: Can I have a pool? Please?

...No. Just no. I'd end up drowing you...and you'd probably be the only Sims 3 Sim to die because there isn't a ladder...

Just saying.

A few Sim hours on Free Will later, she's in the middle of nowhere...and still giving me that freaky smile of hers!

Adrianne: I don't think I belong here, Myrtle.

Yeah, I know. You belong back in the pits of CAS hell where I found you.

Adrianne: No, no. I belong somewhere...stunning. Somewhere cutting edge...

Well, Late Night isn't being released for another 16 days. Get over it.

Adrianne: At least set me up in Sunset Valley, there's a lot of cute premade Sim guys there... Or I'll do it.

Do what?

Adrianne: THIS.

...Lemme see what I can do about that whole Sunset Valley thing...